Can you reconcile reducing consumption while creating a cozy and stylish home? I am a bit of a redecorating junkie. While I would like to always practice what I preach, pills on occasion I am guilty of impulse buying for my econest. I can’t kick myself too much because on close inspection, if I hold a mirror up to my consumption habit, it reflects mostly socially and environmentally conscious spending choices. Either way, moving more towards less consumption is an ongoing goal. I am working hard to get beyond my shopping urges. I came across a phase coined by artist Zoe Murphy – “Love what belongs to you.” This phrase now seeps into my...CLICK HERE FOR MORE
Image: Elle Decor
Less is So Much More: Living a Minimalist Life
Not long ago, troche I discovered a blog called “mnmlist.” I’ve been following Lloyd Alter’s Frugal Green Living series and he has added some interesting quotes from mnmlist creator, Leo Babauta, who also founded Zen Habits. What I really like about mnmlist is how refreshingly clean it is — no ads, no pictures, no clutter. What is mnmlist about? CLICK HERE FOR MORE
10 Reasons To Write In a Journal and 10 DIY Journals
I had a chance to peek into the journals of friend, prescription composer, viagra order author, pharm and master traveler, Margaret De Wys. Margaret has made traveling a seductive art form and her journals inspired the book, Black Smoke: A Woman’s Journey of Healing, Wild Love, and Transformation. Margaret is game for just about anything, and she keeps track of her escapades by journaling. Some write journals knowing they will be published, but most people journal for themselves.
Journaling (or keeping letters or diaries) is an ancient tradition, one that dates back to at least 10th century Japan. Oscar Wilde once said, “I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train.”
10 Reasons to Make Journaling a Daily Habit:
1. sharpens writing skills 2. can help heal emotional experiences 3. helps keep track of ideas 4. writing is relaxing and it relieves stress 5. journals have unconditional acceptance 6. keep a document record 7. learn to reflect about yourself 8. to feel in control 9. for a creative outlet 10. to document travel or an event
Whether a journal is the culmination of a globe-trotting trip to save the world, or a place to store the ramblings of the day, creating a uniquely personal journal can fuel the body, mind and spirit. Do you journal? CLICK HERE FOR 10 DIY JOURNALS
Credit: Sugarpixel Design