A Needled Spirit

“Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either.” ~ Elizabeth Zimmermann

The knitting alarm is ringing. Can you hear it? If you're a knitter you can. It's starts when the outdoor world gets tinged with variegated hues and winter whites, and shuts off when the temperatures rise so high your hands can't stand to touch wool...not even the softest cashmere. The flakes are falling and it's finally what my mother calls, "sweater weather."

For me, knitting inspiration climbs to new heights each time I step into Pinterest. It feeds my troubled or untroubled knitting spirit.

So, direct from Econesting's Knitting Pin Board, here's a few projects of the season--the knitting season:

The easy Redy Sweater by Ankestrick is sweet because there is almost no shaping...no fussing with collar decreases and no fumbling with stitch pick ups. Sweater perfection. Now, what color?



Have you seen those new gloves created for touchscreen texting? No need to wrap your hands in those polyester numbers when you can knit fingerless gloves. Here's a fun snow-tipped pair: Hege Mitt, by Michelle Wang.



When I look back at items I've knit, memories of time, tranquility and toddlers come gushing in (I knit furiously throughout my kids' childhoods). I adore an ongoing project for all those nostalgic reasons. This comfy, Slip Stitch Sampler perfectly zaps up left-over yarn and will keep the knitting fires burning all winter long.


The creative sideways construction of this knitted poncho/cape intrigues me. Is it knit like a baby blanket and sewn up one side? Don't know because the pattern is French to me...literally.



I am rarely surprised by ingenious knitted creations, but I nearly fell off my chair when I saw these Knitted Yoga Balls. I sit a lot and like to break up the long hours by unchaining myself from my ergonomically-designed Aeron Chair. Sometimes I bounce and stretch on an exercise ball. I'm toying with the idea of jeweling up a lowly specimen using this Knitted Yoga Ball pattern.


Illustration: Edel Rodriguez Photos: Ravelry, Brooklyn Tweed, Knitting Warehouse, Thread and Needle, Better Living By Design

Try Harder My Love

I follow a lot of online happenings. It’s a big part of my world. This rosy red morning, a poster made its appearance all over my world. Many of you have told me that you enjoy the words I post. That makes me feel happy and loved. Thank you. I am a devoted writer, and I don't write for free (except here).

It doesn’t make me happy when something I've written pops up on another post, or in print without my byline.

When I can, I send a tactful note about recognition and attribution. Sometimes it slides away from me. Sometimes it makes a difference. Sometimes it doesn’t.

Along comes Pinterest and I fall blindly in love. Head over heels, I’m pinning away. I have two accounts, one for business, and one for pleasure. Inspiration is image driven, and I cannot contain my sincere love for the luscious photographs. In the blush, I try to find the source of my image affections and share pins with my world.

I will try harder.

How about you?

Please share with love.


Drumming and Pinning

Have to keep drumming...


If you like Econesting, you’ll just love the Econesting Facebook page. Where else would you find repurposed drums made from wine barrels?

...and no, I did not contribute to emptying those drums (...maybe just a sip)

You'd rather tweet? Head over to the Econesting Twitter page @econester and say hi.


Have you also discovered my latest obsession? Pinterest!!! I just started a page (will get the button up here soon)...the photos are dreamy. I'm pinning absolutley incredible images on my Pinterest page. Prepare to be hooked.

It would be so nice if you would like/love Econesting on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Almost forgot to mention that signing up for Econesting's RSS Feed/Newsletter is the best way to get Econesting posts delivered right to your Inbox. Yay! Go to the right side of this page and enter your email address.

Inspiring posts are updated daily by me. And just in case you're thinking that this is just one big shameless plug...well, ok...BUT I do not make money from Econesting. I don't sell anything here. It is my pleasure connecting to a community of eco-lovin' friends. Please keep in touch! xoRonnie

Photo: from Facebook