Universal Power

http://youtu.be/Pwe-pA6TaZk This guy, Matt sets out to dance his way around the world. I thought he looked familiar...someone I knew. Then read that he was hired for Visa’s "Business Class" commercials. As Matt says, he “briefly went from quasi-famous to not-entirely-un-famous.” Funny how that happens.

Anyway, this video reminds me a lot of what Playing For Change does. It breaks down barriers. Matt shows us that happiness,…and dancing, transcend political, economic, racial and ideological boundaries. Happiness must be contagious, because I couldn’t stop smiling for a while after my son's girlfriend, Jordyn sent this to me.

Wish we could tap into this universal power to unite us towards figuring out our global climate troubles. Our planet is getting mighty hot. Severn tried, maybe we should ask Matt?