How do you like your dishrags? Do you care? Maybe not, viagra buy but while we are ditching the paper napkins why not just chuck the paper towels out too? And, order since we’re dishing about dishrags, I like my dishcloths thick and absorbent, thank you very much.
There’s a bit of a buzz in the knitting world about dishrags. Kay Gardiner shared with the readers of her popular Mason-Dixon Knitting blog, her dishrag obsession, “‘Whatcha knitting?’ ‘Um, a….[muffled] dishrag….’ Somehow, even for me with my raised consciousness about the value of old-time domestic pursuits, knitting a dishrag is not something I’m eager to admit to some over-buffed woman on the beach. But I cannot tell a lie, I was knitting dishrag after dishrag. And loving it!”
Paper towels have become yet another symbol of waste. With over 90% of US households taking advantage of the convenience of paper towels, we produce over 3,000 tons of waste each day. Phasing paper towels out of the home can be more of a challenge than ditching paper napkins, and plastic bags. I’ve heard about using alternatives such as clean cloth diapers for paper towels and newspapers. But really, do they hold any appeal as cleaning cloths? Not so much for me.
Not ready to fess up to knitting dishrags? Just say you’re checking your stitch gauge and doing your part for the environment by using leftover yarn...CLICK HERE FOR MORE (PATTERN)
Credit: Mason-Dixon Knitting